Kensington Court Clinic

Private & NHS Hospital Healthcare Centre

Removing Suspicious Lumps & Bumps.

Removing Suspicious Lumps & Bumps.

Don’t ignore unusual bumps and lumps in your mouth any longer.
Kensington Court Clinic’s team of dental experts and maxillofacial surgeons are highly skilled in detecting and diagnosing oral lumps. With biopsies taken in-clinic and lab testing arranged, we ensure quick and accurate diagnoses for our patients.
Our top priority is providing the best possible care for our patients’ oral health. Removing any bumps or lumps can bring peace of mind and prevent potential complications down the road.
Schedule a consultation with our experienced team today to take the first step towards a healthy mouth.

Removing Suspicious Lumps & Bumps.

Removing Suspicious Lumps & Bumps.

Kensington Court Clinic’s team of dental experts and maxillofacial surgeons are highly skilled in detecting and diagnosing oral lumps. With biopsies taken in-clinic and lab testing arranged, we ensure quick and accurate diagnoses for our patients.


Are you seeking top-quality dental care services such as private cosmetic dentistry or oral surgery? We welcome new patients who are interested in experiencing our excellent level of care.


If you are presently a patient at Kensington Court Clinic and are in need of a check-up or additional dental treatment, kindly reach out to our team without delay.

Removing Suspicious Lumps & Bumps – What You Need To Know.

Early Detection Of Oral Cancer Saves Lives.

Removal of Lumps - Kensington Court Clinic - early detection
The early detection of oral cancer can greatly improve treatment outcomes. It is important to monitor changes in oral tissue and seek prompt investigation through regular dental check-ups. Failure to treat oral cancer in its early stages can lead to metastasis and greater difficulty in treating the condition. Our team at Kensington Court Clinic is committed to detecting and diagnosing oral cancers at an early stage.

Whilst not every lump or bump in the mouth may be cancerous, certain types are more likely to be cancerous. To ensure comprehensive screening, our standardised oral examination covers both the inside and outside of the mouth during every check-up.

What Are The Types Of Oral Cancer?

Removal of Lumps - Kensington Court Clinic - types of oral cancers
Early detection of oral cancer is crucial for successful treatment, as it can easily spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. At Kensington Court Clinic, we are committed to investigating and diagnosing oral cancers at an early stage. Regular dental check-ups are important to ensure any changes inside or outside the mouth are promptly investigated. While not every bump or lump may be cancerous, some are more likely than others to develop into cancer.

As part of our standardised oral examination, we thoroughly examine both the inside and outside of your mouth for any tissue changes. Additionally, we are equipped to diagnose and treat less common types of mouth cancer, such as adenocarcinoma, sarcoma, oral malignant melanoma, and lymphoma.

What Are The Risk Factors That Can Lead To Oral Cancer?

Removal of Lumps - Kensington Court Clinic - causes of oral cancer
Whilst the root cause of oral cancers remains unknown for certain patients, it is established that there are clear risk factors involved. The most significant of these factors are tobacco and alcohol, both of which contain nitrosamines – harmful chemicals that are known to contribute to cancer development. Smoking, chewing tobacco (or betel quid) and alcohol have all been linked to more than three-quarters of all oral cancer cases.

Additionally, a deficiency in vitamin A and zinc can increase your risk, whilst human papillomavirus (specifically HPV16) has also been linked to the development of oral cancer. Finally, excessive exposure to UV sunlight without proper protection can lead to lip cancer. If you have a history of head and neck cancers and continue to consume tobacco and alcohol, you face an even greater risk of developing oral cancer.

If I Have A Lump What Can I Expect?

At Kensington Court Clinic, we are able to carry out biopsies during consultations if required. Samples will then be sent to the laboratory for diagnosis of any lumps, bumps, or lesions. We understand that this may be a stressful experience for you and will address any concerns you may have in a timely manner while also providing comprehensive information about necessary treatments.
If you are experiencing thickening or a lump in your oral soft tissue, soreness, difficulty swallowing or chewing, jaw swelling causing poor denture fit, or lesions on your lips from sunburn, it may be necessary to seek treatment.

Got A Question?

In a rush? Send us a quick email and we will get in touch to answer your questions.


Are you seeking top-quality dental care services such as private cosmetic dentistry or oral surgery? We welcome new patients who are interested in experiencing our excellent level of care.


If you are presently a patient at Kensington Court Clinic and are in need of a check-up or additional dental treatment, kindly reach out to our team without delay.